"If there is no passion in your life, then have you really lived? Find your passion, whatever it may be. Become it, and let it become you and you will find great things happen FOR you, TO you and BECAUSE of you."
I came up with a quote that has proven to speak to my situation concerning patience that says, "Don't see your WAIT as a WEIGHT...it's a PROCESS!" This quote means sooo much to me. It has gotten me through some extremely restless times. In today's society, we want everything NOW! What I've learned, though, is that "The PROCESS is more VALUABLE than the END RESULT!" I encourage you to watch God work and appreciate your process!
Until next time...continue to be patient...learn from your process! The end result will prove to be more rewarding than that of a premature decision.
GOD IS GOOD!!! Humbly speaking, I want to thank God for my spiritual and natural gifts. God has given me the ability to put words together in a way that speaks to people's situations. I wrote this piece because there many families around the country that are experiencing hard times right now. Some may relate to unemployment due to the economy, sickness, depression, loss of a loved one...it may be a number of things but there is a silver lining! The silver lining is...GOD CARES! ...and he hears our prayers when we pray. But we must pray. Instead of doing what's easy and what's comfortable...complaining, lets just pray!
This poetic production is special to me! I was blessed to work with some special people. I'm honored to have been able to work with my little cousin who is a rising star, Miss Azani Monet! She is incredibly mature and professional when it comes to her craft. She not only acts, but she sings, dances, and models! She does it all ladies and gentlemen. I was also blessed to have the privilege to work with a good friend, Rob Howze and I had the chance to work on a few poetic projects in the past so I knew going in that he'd be perfect for this character. It was a pleasure working with both of them. My director was the one and only Dorie L. Glasgow. Her directing resume is pretty extensive and impressive I might add. The level of creativity and professionalism that she brought to the set was unbelievable. I can't wait to work with her on my next proect! It can only get better!
I really and truly hope everyone enjoyed this project but most of all, I hope everyone got something out of the message. I did. It was a reminder for. I need not to be complain about anything. God has been good to me in 2012! I look forward to 2013...but I still have a lot to accomplish before the year is out!
Until next time, instead of complaining, PRAY!!!
"If my words have the ability to develop wings of encouragement, I hope they take flight in someone's life." ~Christoph Jenkins
I've shaken the hands of the gate keeper of my passion...and entered with exuberance. The benevolent hospitality my passion has bestowed upon me has led me to ask myself, "What took you so long to discover this place?" I dreamt of his place called passion when I was younger...and even when I got older. Truth is...I never stopped dreaming about it. But my dreams pale in comparison to the real thing. It felt like I always knew about this place but for the longest time, I couldn't figure out how to get here. Now that I'm here, my passion has made room for me. It's like...once I stepped over the threshold of my passion, I began to have visions of my inevitable success. I began thinking out of the box and more creatively. People around me can see on my face, hear in my voice, and notice in my behavior .,,that I have become passionate ...about life ...all because I made the decision to pursue my passion for writing. The most amazing thing is...my passion promised to take me to the most sought after place known to man ...purpose! Many a person have died trying to get there, The thing is though ...majority of those people chose to pursue other things like money and notoriety than to simply follow their passion. I hope whoever reads this decides to pursue their passion instead of whats trending or convenient. I chose to pursue my passion and I'm getting on my flight to reach my purpose!
Until next time, decide today to pursue your passion! Don't let another day go by...
Christoph Writes...
"If my words have the ability to develop wings of encouragement, I hope they take flight in someone's life." ~Christoph Jenkins
Today, I will have the honor to share the stage with comedian, Marcus D. Wiley, affectionately known as the character, Bishop Secular, from the Yolanda Morning Show on Praise 104.1. I was asked by a high school friend of mine to deliver a poem or two at her church's Praize Cafe this evening at 7pm. I was humbled by the request and I am excited to attend and share a few rhyming words that I simply jotted down some years ago. I think I just might resurface a piece called "Me, Myself, and God." I believe this piece will be suitable and well received by my audience of impressionable young adults. Wish me well!
Until next time, pray for me! "If my words have the ability to develop wings of encouragement, I hope they take flight in someone's life." ~Christoph Jenkins
This past weekend I attended my alma mater, Norfolk State Univerty's Homecoming and while there my frat brothers and I celebrated 50 years of service and brotherhood. On Friday, we enjoyed an amazing banquet where I was recognized as an honoree. I was very proud to be recognized in that way by my chapter brothers from years past, my line brothers, and brothers who have come after me ...truly an honor. Also, some months prior to this event, my brother, Bradford Hardy, requested that I write a poem that personalized poem that personified our chapter's history. I gladlly accepted. All of the brothers were instrumental in the development of this poem entitled, "50 Years In Counting." I asked everyone to contribute an ism, phrase, and/or memory from their time period that clearly describes or relates to our chapter. Everyone did and I was able to take all of what they contributed and conjure up a poem that everyone could be proud of.
I am so very proud to have been accepted and apart of a chapter that is notorious for their service and compassion for others!
Until next time, pursue your passion because I'm pursuing mine!
Christoph Writes...
"If my words have the ability to develop wings of encouragement, I hope they take flight in someone's life." ~Christoph Jenkins
I'm excited to fellowship with the men of my church...sparking off the first day/event of New Samaritan's Men's Weekend. I've been asked to share a poem for the open mic portion of the night and I felt much obliged to do so.
It's even more cool to share on my birthday!
Until next...connect with some people who are trying to reach similar goals! Iron sharpens iron!
Christoph Writes...
"If my words have the ability to develop wings of encouragement, I hope they take flight in someone's life." ~Christoph Jenkins
While browsing Youtube, I came across this behind-the-scenes video (above) of Kirk Franklin and Tamela Mann creating this MASTERPIECE of a song, “Take Me To The King.”I'd heard the song before and right from the start, I loved it!But when I saw this video of Kirk coaching and grooming Mrs. Mann, I thought of myself as it relates to my poetry.I think of my future and my goals on a daily basis, as should we all.I have a passion for writing but I don’t necessarily have a passion for the stage.Ironic, right?!Well, this is the blessing…God gave me this idea some time ago.I’ve been matching my passion for writing poetry with other’s passion for the stage and acting.And it’s sounds funny to say, but one of my goals is to be the “Kirk Franklin of Poetry!”lol
Tomorrow (Saturday), I’ve been asked to put together what I call, “a poetic production” for a fashion show at Love Nightclub from 5-7pm.This will be a continuance of my journey as a writer because I’ve been writing since I was young but I would take breaks.I’ve refocused my lens and reloaded my felt tip pens with ink and the intent to win and exceed my goals!
Below, is the final product that was spawned from hard work, dedication, and passion!
Until next time ...don't go a day without doing something that'll get you closer to reaching your goals!
Christoph Writes...
"If my words have the ability to develop wings of encouragement, I hope they take flight in someone's life." ~Christoph Jenkins