"If there is no passion in your life, then have you really lived? Find your passion, whatever it may be. Become it, and let it become you and you will find great things happen FOR you, TO you and BECAUSE of you."

Friday, September 7, 2012

Project of Passion: My Gift ...Your Testimony ...Their Breakthrough!

We all have been gifted by God with unique talents, skills, and abilities. I believe that it is imperative that we all begin (if we haven't begun already) to tap into our God-given gifts. I am grateful for my gift of writing and have chosen to use it as a platform to connect with people all over the world. With that said, I would like to introduce you to a new project that I am launching that I believe has the potential to make a HUGE impact in lives of many.

Earlier this year, a college friend of mine suffered a significant loss in her family, and asked me to do the honor of writing the poem that would be placed in the obituary and read during the homegoing service. I was humbled and obliged to fulfill her request. I blogged about that experience shortly after and want to encourage you all to take a look at the post called, "Personalized Poetry: 'My Baby Girl." and its comments to get a glimpse of the kind of impact it had on her and her family.

There have been several other personalized poems that I've written throughout the years. I'm sure some of you followed my involvement with the Trayvon Martin Movement earlier this year when there were marches and rallies being held all over the country.. I took the chance and wrote a poem called,“Who Will Cry for the Little Boy, Trayvon Martin,” that I believe speaks to the injustice that occurred. I was blessed to be afforded the opportunity to recite this poem at the majority of the marches and rallies held in the DC Metropolitan Area.

This project is very similar; however, it is a little more involved. My vision is to have people email their testimonies to ChristophWrites@gmail.com. Once read and reviewed, I then will transcribe them into personalized poetry. We all have a testimony because we have all gone through something that GOD has brought us out. And some of us are currently being tested. In the end, though, people who hear about people going through similar things can be encouraged and empowered to endure the PROCESS God has them in.

I look forward to reading your testimonies and transcribing them into pieces of art that will serve as a light in a dark place.
Until next time ...continue to help others get through what you just came out of!
Christoph Writes...
"If my words have the ability to develop wings of encouragement, I hope they take flight in someone's life." ~Christoph Jenkins

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