My reader, who is also my friend and co-worker, asked, "When did u realize writing was ur passion?" Again, this question is so very significant to the pursuit of my passion. I say this because it is so very important to celebrate the fact that you've accomplished what so many people in this world have been trying to do all their lives. Yes, it is true that there are people who have been fortunate enough or, better yet, exposed enough to discover their passion at a young. Remember, what I said in my last post, "In Pursuit of Passion: Exposure Is Key (Video), "One's passion can be found in the unlikely of places." We must expose ourselves to different things.
I discovered my passion on last week, February 14, 2012, ironically on Valentines Day, ...at the tender age of 29, lol. I used the descriptive word, ironic, because I found my PASSION on the day ...of LOVE. Get it? ...passion ...love? Ah, forget it! Anyway, I had just received the new issue of the Christian magazine, Optimal Living Magazine, a magazine I have been blessed to write for and have my own column in called "True Confessions of a Saved Black Man," previously entitled "The Diary of a Single, Saved Black Man." I'm engaged now so we had to change the name of the column, lol.. I wrote and submitted this particular article, "Conditioning Myself ...To Love Unconditionally" about a month before. It's weird because when I'm in the process of writing an article or a poem, I don't really think it's all that great ...but once time has had a chance to breathe on it, when I read it again ...it's like, "Was I the one who wrote this??? This is actually good!" It's amazing to me. Not to gloat at all, I look back at old poems from when I was a kid and say, "Wow, I wrote that at that age?" I have been writing in different capacities nearly all my life.

In the very near future, I'll post why I KNOW writing is my passion. You shouldn't be unsure about what your passion is. You don't want to waste time pursuing something you thought was your passion...but was only a talent ...or obligation. Been there ...been doing that for way too long! I had been frolicking around my passion and didn't even know it!
Until next time ...keep pursuing your passion!
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